Community Rules

Inner Circle Wellness Community Rules

Stay on topic

Plants. Meditation. Exercise. Love. Support. All welcome! Photos of steaks are not. Please keep this space positive and in the spirit of total wellness! Write [email protected] directly with any issues.

No Bullies

We cultivate a positive space and reserve the right to remove posts / membership of anyone we determine disruptive. We have a zero tolerance rule for discrimination, bigotry, rudeness or hate speech.

No selling, soliciting or promoting

If you’ve come to this space to gain more clients or customers, this is not the place for you. Also, do not solicit members for donations or votes for charitable causes, contests, or other purposes.

Do not make copies

You may not upload any Inner Circle Wellness content to any third-party software. Please report any instances of this.

Do not create outside groups

Do not create or join other Facebook groups that are an offshoot of this community.. You may not recruit or recommend (publicly or privately) such groups within this community.

No coaching

We love participants supporting one another! However please refrain from offering coaching directives or using language that might imply you’re a designated community leader.

No Medical Advice

All content provided by our team is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. Please review Membership Policy for details. Take advice from other participants at your own risk.

What’s shared here, stays here

Please do not distribute content shared by other participants with anyone outside the group. Respect the privacy of all the community members.

Rule breaking may result in content / post removal

All determinations regarding this group, its members, and these guidelines are at our sole discretion and are final. By joining, you indemnify us of all liability relating to this group and members.

You are also subject to the Inner Circle Wellness Membership Policy

By participating in the Community, you are also subject to the Membership Policy. These policies may change at any time without notice.


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