Arugula Anti-Stress Smoothie

Arugula Anti-Stress Smoothie serves: 2 servings (20–24 fl oz per serving)
Prep Time: 3 minutes 
We all know and love arugula as a salad base, but there’s more to this leafy green than meets the eye. Arugula can help to lower inflammation, protect our cells from UVA damage and is rich in vitamin K, which is important for bone health. Arugula is also loaded with folate, which can stimulate production of dopamine, a mood-boosting neurotransmitter. Hello happy! Use this spicy-sweet smoothie as a delicious way to lift your spirits, fight off inflammation-causing cortisol and de-stress.


  • 1 cup (20 g) tightly packed arugula
  • 1/2 small cucumber, peeled
  • 2 pears, cored and seeded 
  • 1/4 Hass avocado
  • 1 1/2 cups (360 ml) coconut water


  1. Wash and prep all ingredients.
  2. Blend until smooth and serve.

Nutrition Information Per Serving:

172 calories, 3.4 g total fat, 0.7 g saturated fat, 0.5 g polyunsaturated fat, 1.8 g monounsaturated fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 54 mg sodium, 686 mg potassium, 36.6 g total carbohydrates, 9.2 g fiber, 23 g sugar, 2.8 g protein, 5% calcium, 4% iron



50% Complete

Two Step

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